The Happenings

The Happenings is the official newsletter of The Great Outdoors Community Services Association (CSA).  Published every two weeks on Friday, new issues are ready to pick up in the afternoon at various locations around the community. The online version is posted when available. 

Any person or group wishing to submit an article or an ad may do so at the CSA Office by completing a form.  The deadline for submission of an article or ad is 5:00 PM on the Friday before the following Friday's publication.

For those of you who are in the resort, you can pick up the current issue of The Happenings in the gray box by the bulletin board outside the Plantation Manor, at the CSA Mail Center, Oak Cove Pool, and at the main CSA Office.

Instead of picking up a printed copy, you can simply read it electronically, the current and previous issues are available on this website at The Happenings link with even more features than the printed copy and in color!

If you are traveling and you want to put something in the newsletter, send an e-mail to

January 24, 2025

CLICK HERE  (A correction in the paper copy on pg. 30- the February Informational Meeting is on Feb 5, at the Nature Center, NOT Feb 4.)