Architectural Review Committee

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) was established to preserve property value through consistent evaluation, revision, and enforcement of architectural covenants and precedents. The ARC will provide owners with a clear understanding of what is allowed and when ARC approval is needed. Gaining ARC approval is facilitated through a responsive process that is easy to use.

The ARC meets every third Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. on the Plantation Manor Porch.  Notice of upcoming meetings is printed in The Happenings newsletter.

The ARC Guidelines and Application Form are available for download in this section.  You can also pick up an application in the CSA Office Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 8 A.M. until 5 P.M. Applications must be submitted to the CSA Office by 12:00 Noon on the Wednesday prior to the following Wednesday meeting date to be considered at that meeting. (If the submission Wednesday is a holiday, the preceding day will be the deadline). 

The ARC is elected by property owners. ARC has eleven members, ten elected from representative districts and one elected by the whole membership to serve as chairman. Each ARC term is two years. Districts are determined by the last number of each address (ex: 324 Plantation would be District 4).

If you have questions regarding ARC please call the ARC Chairman, your ARC representative, or the CSA Office at 321-268-9767.